Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Promise

This is my story, but we wont start from the beginning; lets start on New Years Eve of 2012. On that day, my Prince Charming asked me to be his lawfully-wedded Princess (he would cringe if he saw it worded like that) but either way, he asked me to be his wife :) Ever since then I have been on a roller coaster of emotions. Excitement, happiness, joy, love.... Stress, anxiety, worry, fear.
Women look forward to their wedding day from the day they first watch Cinderella, but I know I can't be alone in feeling the fear of wondering if I will live up to those high "wifey" expectations! As women, we have a lot to live up to once we take on a husband, and a family, of our very own. So here is my journey, my trials, my excitement, and every piece of life in between. I may never become the "perfect" wife, but I can promise myself to have fun trying!

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