Thursday, December 13, 2012

Project Reflect 2012 - Bookworm

Here is the prompt for Day 11:


December 11: Bookworm

Did you read a book this year that changed your life? What was it? What was it about? Would you recommend it to other people? Additionally, did you read a book that was absolutely terrible and left you wondering why the heck you read it?

This year I finally read Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo.  This is a true story a father has written describing the things his son witnessed in Heaven during a near death experience.  In college I spent a brief amount of time studying near death experiences and became fascinated by the stories people tell after "coming back to life." The most intriguing part is that all of their stories have the same details, the same colors are described, the same sequence of events, and to all the doubters, a reminder that this story comes from a little boy; one that was too young to speak, let alone read, about the details he encountered.  It wasn't until a year or so later that he began telling his parents about his experiences.  I highly recommend this as a great read for all ages!

Besides Hunger Games and 50 Shades, did you read any books worth recommending this year?


  1. I am currently doing this book with the youth group I lead.

    1. Its a great read - I hadn't even thought of it as a group guide, I bet that leads to really interesting conversations!
